Course curriculum

    1. External Tools Overview

    2. The Essential Tool of Meditation

    3. How to Meditate

    4. Meditative Activities

    5. Exercise: Meditation To Experience Your Abilities & Senses

    6. Reflect On Your Meditation Experience

    7. 📝 Journaling Time

    1. The Essential Tool of Journaling

    2. The Essential Tool of People

    1. Inner Tools Overview

    2. The Essential Tools of the Soul Senses (A.K.A. The Clairs)

    3. Reflect On Your Clair Experiences

    4. 📝 Journaling Time

    5. ASSESSMENT: Which Clair Is Your Super Soul Sense?

    6. Moving Forward with the Soul Senses for Your Development

    1. The Essential Tool of Awareness

    2. The Essential Tool of Imagination

    3. The Essential Tool of Intuition

    4. The Essential Tool of Intention

    5. The Essential Tool of Curiosity

    1. Takeaways From This Course and What's Up Next In This Workshop

    2. More Resources

About this course

  • $29.99
  • 30 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content